When you see an article claiming to have some information about improving at golf you have to consider the source. If it's a "Golf" or "Golf Digest" article I barely even read those (there are so many and they so rarely have anything really useful to help). However, when an article on sciencedaily.com reports to have found something about golf improvement, I'm all ears.
In searching the archives of that website I ran across this article where a study was done at Umea University, in Sweden that found that doing rhythmic timing training increases golfers accuracy! It actually worked across a lot of athletics. The findings were so convincing that Notre Dame started having its football players doing timing training at computers before practice. basically the players would listen to a beat and try to clap perfectly to the beat.
You always hear pro golfers talking about trying to build golf swings that rely less and less on timing. Maybe we should be concentrating on how to have better innate timing skills within us as athletes.
It reminds me a lot of the tour tempo tones that I use when my tempo starts to feel really awful.
I seriously wonder if 15minutes of Guitar Hero would be the perfect warm up to your warm up. I'll test this and report back!