Golf on TV is just not as electric as it used to be. However there are a few must watch moments and the ongoing train wreck that is Tiger Woods' golf game is something that even the most casual golf fan has to see.
I am way past any enjoyment of seeing Tiger humbled and now I am really looking to see some, ANY sign that he will be able to return to form.
Everyone always talks about the champions in sports, and rightly so, after all that's the whole point. However, There is great honor in continually failing and failing at the cost of your ego and reputation in pursuit of being better. The only difference with Tiger is that every setback he has had, swing changes, personal problems, even injurys have been self created.
That's just a history lesson at this point though. We are where we are and by hook or by crook we have to dig ourselves out of the situation we find ourselves. Tiger could hang it up and let he amazing records he has speak for themselves, but he has decided to rebuild his game and I think it will be the greatest challenge he's ever faced.