The world of golf is FILLED with analogies. Sometimes the are helpful tools, usually they are cliche'.
(more on this in a minute)
Recently, more than anything else, the thing holding me back from playing some really good golf is the random AWFUL shot. I have had this problem for a long time. I have play some really good rounds while hitting some bad shots, those I can deal with. But what I am talking about the the random shots that go left of left or right of right or thin and screaming past the green. They are score wreckers, especially when I am playing in stroke play events these 1 or 2 AWFUL shots a round make it impossible to recover and be competitive.
I really don't think it is a swing issue. I know how to swing, I have the feels and my body know what to do but somewhere on those shots their is a breakdown and my swing just does it's own thing.
I was whining about this to a friend of mine TPI golf fitness trainer David Rutowski after he commented on how good my swing looked and how well my body moved.
"It's just a very small percentage of AWFUL shots I have to get rid of... I don;t know where they come from".
Then david told me probably the best analogy for Golf Fitness I have ever heard.
"Your body is like a remote Control that, Even tenth time you hit the volume up button, the channel changes" Exactly, I thought. I did not tell my body to move in a lunge that would send my ball into the dogpark O.B. but somewhere between my brain and the clubface my body got that message.
He continued " You are a remote control with some loose wiring that needs to be tightened up."
That was the analogy that sold me on golf fitness.
My main takeaway from David's philosophy is that a golf fitness routine, done correctly, not only stretches and strengthens your muscles and joints but it trains your brain in how to CONTROL your body. Something crucial for golf.
So david want my body movements in the gym to be as precise and exact as possible "Be a ninja" he says. the more you lpractice doing the EXACT motions your brain is telling your body to do the better.
I went for my assesment yesterday and found (no surprise to me) that I have "hypermobile" flexibility in my hips core but EXTREME weakness in my BUTT. Very uncommon problem for a man, I need "more Glue and less oil"
So first steps first, I am embarking on this golf fitness road paved with rubber bands of all sizes to strengthen my core and butt, making me a better remote control.
Check out David Rutkoski TPI at
or his amazing instagram Here
(more on this in a minute)
Recently, more than anything else, the thing holding me back from playing some really good golf is the random AWFUL shot. I have had this problem for a long time. I have play some really good rounds while hitting some bad shots, those I can deal with. But what I am talking about the the random shots that go left of left or right of right or thin and screaming past the green. They are score wreckers, especially when I am playing in stroke play events these 1 or 2 AWFUL shots a round make it impossible to recover and be competitive.
I really don't think it is a swing issue. I know how to swing, I have the feels and my body know what to do but somewhere on those shots their is a breakdown and my swing just does it's own thing.
I was whining about this to a friend of mine TPI golf fitness trainer David Rutowski after he commented on how good my swing looked and how well my body moved.
"It's just a very small percentage of AWFUL shots I have to get rid of... I don;t know where they come from".
Then david told me probably the best analogy for Golf Fitness I have ever heard.
"Your body is like a remote Control that, Even tenth time you hit the volume up button, the channel changes" Exactly, I thought. I did not tell my body to move in a lunge that would send my ball into the dogpark O.B. but somewhere between my brain and the clubface my body got that message.
He continued " You are a remote control with some loose wiring that needs to be tightened up."
That was the analogy that sold me on golf fitness.
My main takeaway from David's philosophy is that a golf fitness routine, done correctly, not only stretches and strengthens your muscles and joints but it trains your brain in how to CONTROL your body. Something crucial for golf.
So david want my body movements in the gym to be as precise and exact as possible "Be a ninja" he says. the more you lpractice doing the EXACT motions your brain is telling your body to do the better.
I went for my assesment yesterday and found (no surprise to me) that I have "hypermobile" flexibility in my hips core but EXTREME weakness in my BUTT. Very uncommon problem for a man, I need "more Glue and less oil"
So first steps first, I am embarking on this golf fitness road paved with rubber bands of all sizes to strengthen my core and butt, making me a better remote control.
Check out David Rutkoski TPI at
or his amazing instagram Here