2/2/2021 03:31:58 am
https://youtu.be/k7WTsOScy A golf teacher up here in Canada. Love following you with Malaska. Understand the frustration my son was playing in the Ontario Am and had the chance to win and got the shanks and missed the cut 8 over in 4 holes and as his coach was looking at me to fix it. I watched videos and tried to reverse engineer the shanks for 4 hours and I watched everything, could not get the shanks. In comes Kelly Roberts a guy in the Ontario Golf hall of fame and he asked me to play. Low and behold second shot I shanked and then for the next hour I could not fix it and ended up quitting for the day. Came in the next day and no shanks . Worst; learning move I have ever made. Reverse engineering out. It does beg the question "What is better". A question we are building our business around. Have you been on the Robogolf pro. It would fix it in one session. Creates muscle memory almost instantaneously. Keep going love to follow you. Comments are closed.