Got pretty late early.
James Smith
3/1/2017 11:48:12 am
I would pay to watch you go on a 6-12week run at putting side siddle or face on putting. Keep the statistics and what not to see which way is the best to roll the ball. I was interested in this since Bryson's Dechambeau's recent putting trial going back to Snead. I'll buy the putter.
Ken Griesbaum
3/2/2017 06:54:33 am
Love those new irons. Great interviews with pros. Got alot of great tips. Just wanted to chime in on putting. I also go left hand low. Could your push right be because of left elbow away from body. I kept both elbows locked to sides. Like Mike Malaska showed on his putting youtube. Keep swinging. Comments are closed.